When certain events happen in my life, I find myself constantly thinking about life in two pieces: before the event and after the event. Before college and After college in a ‘big’ city. Before I moved to London and After the experience of living in a new country. Before I tore my ACL and after the very painful surgery plus a year+ of rehab. Before I got divorced and after the breakdown of my marriage. When I think about some of my befores & afters, I reflect on those big life-changing moments that stick in my mind and I recognize how much those events have shaped me into the person I am today. Sometimes I wonder who I would be if any of those events never happened. This is a very destructive activity (I know) – not like you can go back into the past. What if I didn’t do that Sunday morning ski run when I knew I was tired? What if I never moved back from London, but instead moved on to Singapore like I had originally wanted? I realize the simple fact that these defining moments, these life-changing events, have made me the person I am. I like how I have grown, I like who I am becoming, I am proud of my evolution. I am still evolving, still growing, and always will be, but I’m taking a moment to appreciate my growth. I’m excited about the stronger woman I have become through my life and am proud that I’m a nicer, more patient, considerate woman ready to follow my dreams.